Do not bid if you might not have the funds. Please contact us about other payment methods.If you plan to use Paypal, we have to ship to your paypal shipping address.Please don't email us about declaring lower amounts for customs. We always declare the full purchase price on the customs form.Amps: Please contact us for individual quotes.Keyboards and synths: $165 Worldwide (*Note, some keyboards/synths are heavy and exceed USPS limits for some international customers.).If you are trying to get a shipping price and the shipping calculator does not work for you, then the following rates generally apply in most cases:.There they were completed and finished alongside the regular Martin production line. These 'N' instruments of which there were only two models ever produced, the DR-28N & DR-35N partially assembled in Japan and were imported to Nazareth ('N') and the Martin guitar factory. and to this day remain the only Sigma related serial numbers that are publicly available. 'Sigma-Martin USA' guitars built in 19 only, had specifically assigned serial numbers ranging from 900,001 to 902,908 (2,907 in total.) These serial numbers are documented by C.F. Will be expertly packed and shipped fast! Better quality and construction than most D28's we've seen. RARE 1981 MARTIN SIGMA USA DR-28N D28 D-28 ACOUSTIC GUITARīeautiful condition.